On January 15, 1908, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated was founded on the campus of Howard University in Washington, D.C.  We are the oldest Greek-lettered organization established by African-American college-educated women, and our continuous mission has been “service to all mankind” for over 114 years.  With the leadership of our international president, Danette Anthony Reed, we have embraced the 2022-2026 theme of “Soaring to Greater Heights of Sisterhood and Service” as we continue the legacy and vision of our founders.  We are also guided by the leadership of Dr. Tracy Adams Morant, our South Eastern Regional Director.

The goals of the Theta Sigma Omega chapter are one of Service, Leadership, and Scholarship (SLS).  The main objectives of SLS is to provide Hattiesburg and our global communities with quality community outreach and involvement, building and nurturing the next generation of leaders, and supporting educational scholarship opportunities for our children.

Chapter History

In the Fall of 1966, a group of Alpha Kappa Alpha women met to make plans to initiate an Alumnae Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. in the city of Hattiesburg, MS.

These women launched a membership drive and sorors from Hattiesburg, Laurel, Tylertown and Columbia affiliated. The group of high spirited members sponsored many community service, fundraising, and social activities and events involving the communities represented by the members of the group. For two years, the group functioned under the title of “Women of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority” in order to facilitate the chartering of a local chapter.

On November 16, 1968 the Theta Sigma Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. was chartered. Sixteen members were involved in making the chartering ceremony most impressive, beautiful, and forever memorable. Those recognized as charter members of Theta Sigma Omega are: Nina Arrington, Christine Cook, Dessie Easterling, Maxine Harkless, Maude Hudson, Ermine Johnson, Georgia Johnson, Lou Allen Johnson, Linda John, Ruby Magee, Betty Moore, Patricia Perryman, Dora Prater, Josephine Scott, Ruby Wilson, and Juruthin Woullard.

In 1974, Theta Sigma Omega Chapter acted upon its vision to establish an undergraduate chapter on the campus of The University of Southern Mississippi. A year later that vision was realized as the Iota Kappa Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. was chartered on April 12,1975.

First Officers

President- Patricia Perryman
Vice President- Christine Cook
Secretary- Linda John
Corresponding Secretary- Dessie Easterling
Treasurer- Maude Hudson
Public Relations Officer- Nina Arrington
Chaplain- Betty Moore